21 Mei, 2012

Sorong Serah Aji Krame ( Lombok Traditional Marriage Ceremony )

Customary marriage in community of Lombok traditional ceremonies associated with the transfer slide charm spell. A young man (terune) can obtain a wife under customary in two ways: first by soloh (woo the girl's family); both ways merariq (run girl), Having already done one way, then the man's family will do the layout marriage according to customary ways Sasak.

Lombok marriage ceremony is often associated with traditional wedding ceremony is sliding the hand over aji hospitality which is one tradition that existed since ancient times and has been attached with the strong and the whole order of life in East Lombok Sasak people, even some good people among the religious leaders and figures indigenous peoples themselves stated that if it does not perform these ceremonies would be a disgrace for the family and the local community.

Slide the hand-over comes from the word that means pushing and sliding the hand over, which means hand, so sliding the hand over a statement of consent of both parties from both the women nor the men in the procession of a marriage between terune (youth) and dedare (girl).

Sliding the hand over ceremony is one of the most important series of ceremonies at wedding processions in traditional Sasak of Lombok. The marriage procession in full is as follows:

1. Mesejati
Implies that of the men sent some people to local community leaders or traditional leaders to report to the head or keliang village / hamlet to announce the marriage of the identity of the prospective groom and the subsequent report to the family of women.

2. Selabar

Containing the intent to treat proclaim to the family of the bride who followed up with talks covering aji hospitality customs of the values ​​on the basis of valuation 33-66-100 kepeng perforated or kepeng jamaq, sometimes even selabar this event coupled with guardian requests at once.

3. Taking Wali
What is meant by taking the mayor is taking the guardian of the woman can be directly at selabar or a few days after the execution selabar and this depends on the agreement the two sides (kapisuka)

4. Taking Appointments
In the implementation takes this promise is talking about sliding the hand over and aji hospitality in accordance with the customs prevailing in the village or villages of origin prospective bride.

5. Sorong Serah
The core of the implementation of sliding the hand over ceremony was the official announcement of the marriage of a man and a woman who is accompanied by the bride equipment delivery boy or known by the name-ajen ajen.

6. Nyongkolan
In the implementation of the family Nyongkolan men accompanied by the bride and groom to visit the families of women accompanied by relatives and friends by using the traditional dress accompanied by gamelan even Beleq drum.

7. Balik Lampak
Is one tradition to visit the homes of parents in particular women with both parents the male. 

source : http://sebiebeaq.blogspot.com/2011/07/sorong-serah-aji-krame-lombok.html

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